How to travel to Koh Samui - Banana Fan Sea Resort

How to travel to Koh Samui

August 9, 2022
Banana Fan Sea Resort

How to travel to Koh Samui


2022 Must visit Koh Samui 

          After a long quarantine Now Thailand has begun to remove masks in many areas. Many people start planning to travel both domestically and internationally after being unable to travel. although reducing the intensity of safety measures Taking care of yourself to be safe is also important and should pay special attention to.

For those who are planning or looking for places to visit in Thailand, we at Banana Fan Sea Resort would like to recommend you visit Koh Samui once.

Koh Samui is a good place for your heart Space everyone relaxes the heart.

          Outstanding with beautiful scenery Beautiful sea views everywhere. The fine white sand stretches parallel to the sea. Coconut trees surround the tourists with shade. There is also another distinctive feature, Grandfather and Grandmother’s Rock which attracts quite a lot of tourists to visit Koh Samui. For anyone who has a trip to the sea that should not be missed, must go once.

          In addition to natural attractions, Cultural attractions such as temples, pagodas or restaurants, cafes, and outdoor activities, Koh Samui can do all activities or go to various places. As mentioned above, it can be called “one trip to Samui. It’s like traveling in many provinces.”


How to travel to Koh Samui

          Koh Samui is located in Surat Thani Province. making it quite convenient in terms of travel Meet tourists who like to travel in beautiful nature. but not difficult to travel Koh Samui is another tourist destination that answers this question quite well. 


Variety for you to choose the trip according to your style.

          If you choose to visit Koh Samui Still don’t know how to travel or are deciding, Banana Fan Sea Resort will recommend the way to travel for you. Visiting Koh Samui Travel can be divided into two main forms, namely by sea and by air.


By Boat

Method 1 : You can drive by yourself. or take a car to the pier across Koh Samui Then take the next boat to Koh Samui.

Method 2 : Able to fly directly to Surat Airport and connect the car to the pier Take the next boat to Koh Samui again. 


By Air 

This method is liked by anyone who tells the order of the difficult times. because you can Get on board the plane of Bangkok Airways. Reduce the hassle of your travel.


          Read how to get there. Anyone with any type of convenience can plan a travel style right away, whether it’s a trip with your girlfriend, a trip with friends, or with your family. Easy travel in all forms


Arrive in Koh Samui. If you want to relax, you have to stay at Banana Fan Sea Resort.

          Of course, visiting Koh Samui Another must-have item is accommodation to relax on your Koh Samui trip. The Banana Fan Sea Resort has rooms for you to choose from according to your needs. with a location next to the sea As well as being convenient to travel around the island as well.

          Don’t waste your time touching just by reading. Beauty is still waiting for you to experience. You have to come to Koh Samui to prove it for yourself. Pack your bags and let’s go sightseeing. Banana Fan Sea Resort is another option for you to enjoy and relax every day when you come to Koh Samui with a special package price and many activities.


“Looking for a place of happiness, looking for Banana Fan Sea Resort”


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